If you are a seeker new to the Siddha Yoga path, WELCOME!

Siddha Yoga is a spiritual path of discipline, of mastering the mind and senses through teachings and practices. It is also a path imbued with grace.

Siddha Yoga practice and study is guided by meditation master and teacher Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. Gurumayi, the spiritual head of the Siddha Yoga path, teaches students to live in the awareness of the inner Self so that they can transform themselves, as well as the world in which they live.

The Siddha Yoga path was founded by Gurumayi’s predecessor and Guru, Swami Muktananda, affectionately known as Baba. Swami Muktananda’s emblematic teaching is: “Honor your Self. Worship your Self. Meditate on your Self. God dwells within you as you.”

Siddha Yoga practice begins with spiritual initiation, shaktipat diksha. Through the Siddha Yoga master’s grace and the student’s own steady effort, students realize the divinity within themselves and in the world around them.

SYMC in Philadelphia

Everyone is welcome to all programs at the Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Philadelphia. (On some occasions, there are courses and retreats with specific prerequisites.)

Sunday Morning Satsangs are often well suited for first-time visitors. Satsang means to be in the company of seekers of the truth. Our Sunday Satsangs include meditation, chanting, and often a sharing of someone’s experience, a video or audio talk by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda or Baba Muktananda, or a reading of their words. For the complete center schedule, see the Center Happenings pages of this website.


To honor the sacred tradition of the gurukula, all center guests and Siddha Yoga students are asked to dress modestly.

  • Clothing must be clean and in good repair.
  • Clothing must be modest (not low-cut, sleeveless, revealing, or sheer).
  • Sweat pants, sweatshirts and other exercise clothing, while suitable for Hatha Yoga classes, are not typically suitable for Satsangs and other meditation and chanting programs.
  • Shoes must be worn in all public areas except the Meditation Hall.